Delivery Services

We will deliver to you. Our delivery radius is within a 60 mile radius of our location 7246 Harrison Ave Cincinnati, OH 45247.

We are here to help you get the large items or heavier loads with our delivery services. Whether it is lumber, plywood, landscape supplies, fencing, gravel, topsoil, or one of our other offerings, we can deliver to you.

Repair Services

The fixing of broken items on your property makes it sound like we will go to their property and fix it but we don't do that. otherwise it is correct information.

On top of our wide array of product offerings, we are also proud to help our customers with repair services. Bring your item to us to see if we can fix it. We can fix a variety of broken items including windows, screens, plexiglass, and more. We specialize in hydraulic hose repair.

If you have an item that needs fixing and are not sure if we can take care of it for you, simply give us a call.

Blade Sharpening

We also have the ability to sharpen blades including the common ones used on lawn mowers, and chainsaws.